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About Us

Welcome Home!

That is how we feel when we are on this beautiful peace of land. This is why we call this peace of land Home.


We are from Germany and Ecuador and our passion for being in nature unites us. Theresa loves the abundant green colour of the jungle, the golden shine from the sun peaking through the leaves. The wide views over the rivers, forests and mountains. And the cool refreshing water flowing right next to Home, inviting for a swim after a long day in the amazonian heat. Tovias knows the rivers around Home for more than twenty years. One of his greatest loves is his Kayak. Having three rivers flowing straight to and from Home and a rushing rapid with big waives right in front of the door makes him feel like being in heaven!


Welcome Home -

That is how we invite you to feel when you are living with us. 

About Home

We fell in love with this place and we want you to fall in love with it too!


Home is a 4,77 hectar piece of land in Puerto Napo, about six kilometres south from the Amazonian city Tena in Ecuador. It is located right at the conjunction of the rivers Anzu and Jatunyacu where they convert into the Napo River, the longest river of Ecuador and tributary to the Amazon River.

All three rivers are very well known for White Water Rafting and Kayaking and there are a lot more rivers near making this region one of the top destinations in this area in the world.

Ecuadors Amazonian Basin covers more than 40% of the whole country and comprises the National Parks Cuyabeno and Yasuní.

There are still numerous indiginous tribes living in Ecuador, a variety of them in the rain forest. We want to learn from them and adapt their knowledge in building houses and subsistance agriculture. This way we make sure that we create Home not only taking advantage, much less exploiting mother nature but treating it carefully and respectfully.

For this reason we are building cabins out of bamboo and other local sustainable material like wood from naturally fallen trees. The places we choose are natural spaces in the primary forest and carefully chosen and opened spaces in the secondary forest. This way we minimize the impact on the environment and keep Home as natural as possible.

Tovias & Theresa

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Ecuador and Germany meet in the jungle - and stay in the jungle! Building cabins out of bamboo preserving and protecting the nature of a place made Home.

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